What did I do this past weekend you ask? Well, I'm glad you did 'cause I'm dying to tell y'all. In fact, I have R rated photos to prove what trouble Cat Daddy and I got into!
Y'all know how much I love blogging and I think I've made it pretty clear how much I love THIS particular blogger. I would crawl across broken glass just to get a hug from HER! Imagine my joy at finding out Jodie was going to be in the Rowlett area for a retreat AND since Rowlett is only a hop, skip and a jump from the Casita de Trash AND being the good little stalker that I am....

And the cherry on top? Sweet Sarah was there too! I was given the opportunity to meet her when I crashed, I mean dropped by the Paper Cowgirls retreat. I'm telling y'all...this chubby lady was in pure heaven for five way too short hours!
I can hear you asking where are the blackmail photos. Keep your britches on...I'm getting there. I just want to bask in the memory of a wonderful afternoon if you don't mind!
Not one to miss a photo op OR the chance for smooches from someone other than his ever-lovin'...guess who snuck into the restaurant behind Jodie's back?

Pam...I promise not to tell Receipts what you were up to while in town...pinky swear! Oh and girl...my rule of thumb for deciding on how much bling to wear? If I can't see you from across a field...you need more and Sugar...I saw you from across the lobby and up the stairs. Verdict? Fab U Lous! (Love my watch...you know me so well or maybe great minds just think alike!)
After Cat Daddy made his exit, we sat, talked, laughed, ate, laughed some more and just enjoyed the being...you know what I mean? Sadly, the afternoon was over way too soon and we were hugging one last time.

To all of y'all who blog...if you get the opportunity to meet someone you've only talked to through the screen...grab it and hang on tight. I did and I wouldn't trade Friday (or my girls) for all the rhinestones in Texas!
Yes, I agree 100%!
Having the chance to meet wonderful bloggy friends like YOU and CD and the darling gals you hooked up with this past weekend is a priceless experience.
For all the wonderful things blogging has brought into my life, it's the friendships that have blessed me the most.
Love ya bunches!
That was so sweet! Before long, CD's going to have to buy bigger hats, know what I mean...
Well, dip me in sh*t, Cat Daddy was cheating on me AGAIN! I swear that man gets around! Girl, what would we do without our two wonderful men? (And more importantly, what would they do without us?)
So glad to got some time to spend with blogging buddies! It is absolutely amazes me that we have made such marvelous friends in the blogosphere!
You know I am grateful for finding you, my dear friend!
Is it me or do I get the feeling that there is a little bit more chillin' and a little less stewin' with you two these days? You seem more relaxed!
Nothing better than meeting up with blog friends you only get to see a few times a year! I can't hardly wait till Theresa Cano's blog party so I can see all of you! Looks like you guys had a great time, but you always do! See ya soon!
Sweet Debbie, I am still in a state of disbelief that we finally, finally met! What a wonderful afternoon! I am still unpacking and sorting and telling my family about my trip. One of the most exciting points was meeting you and CD. This will NOT be the only time we meet up girl. I guarantee it. BTW I have taught my daughter about when to say "Well bless your heart." Hee Hee! Love and hugs, Pam
DANG!!! DANG DANG AND DOUBLE DANG!!! How is it that I keep missing you AND Jody AND Cat Daddy?!!? DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
;-D I was even in the hood!!!
Sounds like a wonderful get together Ü I love my fellow bloggers and would love to meet many of them. Glad ya'll had fun.
What a wonderful way to spend the day! I love meeting bloggers so much and you can be sure that if I am ever tromping around Texas I will be on the old horn lettin you know where I am!!
P.S. Tears for good measure are the best kind!! :-)
Have I told you how much I enjoyed our Friday together? Well...
I enjoyed the hugs and kisses from you...
I enjoyed the bloody mary...
I enjoyed the great lunch with great music...
I enjoyed the hugs and kisses from you again...
I enjoyed the shopping...
I enjoyed the photo ops...
I enjoyed the gift!...
I enjoyed the laughs...
and much more!
however, I didn't enjoy the good~byes! :(((
I'm so in love with you two that it could almost be "illegal"! hahahahahhahahahaha
Thank you for a FABULOUS day Debbie...I'm so honored that you drove all by yourself just to see us...you make us feel soooooo special!
Looking forward to seeing you at T's blog party next month. I just made my hotel reservations and rsvp'd on Teresa's blog. Back to Texas I go!
(gotta go get my Texas hugs!)
Absolutely, Deb! I had so much fun meeting you in Warrenton last year! And that Cat Daddy, well, like Theresa said, I think he's going to need a bigger size hat real soon!
Oh Debbie, After reading this post I am more excited than ever for I am about to meet a long time blogging friend. She's coming to stay with me and we are going on the road. I think there's gonna be trouble on those backroads of Va. LOL....xoxo
hey!!!! awww bless your heart but in a good way hehe
I had SO much fun that day with you I just didn't want it to end ever!!!!! I need to plan to get with y'all on my way back down! maybe we can go big girl clothes shopping hahaha I thank my lucky stars we meet and I got to know the famous Debbie and cat daddy!! big big Supa big hugs
toodles- Sarah
It sounds like one of those get-togethers you wish would never end...I know the feeling and for weeks you're still on that " high" trying to remember every detail of that day!!
so happy you had such memorable day!!
How wonderful! I feel so lucky to have met those ladies later that evening...and wish I could have met you too!
I was at a book signing in Springfield, MO and who should walk in? Aunt Ruthie from SugarPie Farmhouse...honey, I caused such a ruckus you'd a thought Elvis just walked in. I was THAT excited. I think I embarrassed her - but it was really a dream come true.
You're on the bucket list, too, lady!
Hey Debbie, I'm so happy you had such a good time with the ladies! What fun!
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