Who's up for a little game I like to call "Where In The World Is Cat Daddy"? First you have to find The Man in the photo below, then you gotta tell me where he is and what he's doing. I'm thinking the winner will get a big ol' Texasified hug from him at SweetT's blog party...or if you can't be at the party...I'll have him leave one on your own personal blog...free of charge!
Heck...I may have him leave y'all one just for playing....sure beats a box of Omaha steaks!

Bonus points if you recognize others in the photo!
Let the games begin!!!
Well, Cat Daddy was easy enough to spot. Some kind of auction maybe? I don't know. I don't think I recognize anyone else either.
Cat Daddy is there to the left of the man in red.
Don't recognize anyone else, though.
I can't make the blog party, so I'll collect my hug now. ;-)
Well I can spot our CD anywhere (at least I think I can). He's the one in deep thought, lusting over the cool stuff he's going to buy for Mama Trash, he has his hand on his face, alone with his own thoughts, he's in the "zone", junkin zone that is and planning and plotting how he's going to beat Richard out of bidding for that cool .... (fill in the blank), right in the middle of all the folks is a grey baseball cap. Sshhh, he's on a mission, not to be disturbed. And all of this was in the cool of the day (not) but it makes a good story, birds were chirping everywhere and no one could break his concentration. Ok I'll shut up now!
Okay, the red & white top of the cap on the bottom? I have no freakin idea really, just guessing. I want to come so bad. Lisa
PS Somehow you dissapeared off my blogroll. I fixed it tho!
He's acting all nonchalant there whilst tryin' to overhear what those two guys up by the sign in front are saying about you...
Too easy to spot, and just for jollies, I'm going to guess he's at a casting call for American Pickers 2. tee hee
He is being a cool cat!
I know...
that wasn't that funny but I am cracking up.
If that is an auction, everyone else there should be very worried because he is going to get what he wants.
I see him! There he is, the only cool guy in the crowd!
My main man, Cat Daddy, is almost hidden by the dude in the red shirt. Cat Daddy has his game face on and he is concentrating and playing it cool. Looks like you guys were at an auction. I love auctions...but I digress. Cat Daddy is focused in on an object and I bet he was the winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Wow! It's like playing Where's Waldo...so fun. :-) It's kinda cheating though for me to guess where he is after reading everyone's comments, and of course I don't want to be a cheater. ;-)
Hope you have a grand weekend!
Oh girl, good grief, I haven't a clue! Sure wish I did! Where in the world is Cat Daddy?
I see him... is Cat Daddy in Canton? hey girl... did you notice the angels in the clouds? Must be watchin over you and CD... hugs... Dixie
All I know is that he (and you) aren't here with me. :(
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