On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
eight ways to Sunday
This time of year has a strange effect on me. In addition to being extremely buoyant, I'm also extremely pensive. I tend to get just a tiny bit melancholy looking back at the year that is coming to an end. I start wondering if I spent it wisely or did I fritter it away.
We all set goals on New Year's eve. I try not to make them unattainable like losing a 100 pounds or something equally foolish, but there is always one or two that I set the bar high on to try and stretch myself.
Did I finish my book or even get a short story completed? No.
Did I double my followers on my blog? No.
Did I attain some level of success?
Let me think about that last one just for a moment.
~I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it.~Jonathan Winters
First I guess I would need to define what I consider success to be. Is it being the Queen Bee in the world of antiques? Is it being the number one blog or at least being in the top 100? Is it writing the Great American Novel and being #1 on the NY Times Bestsellers List? Would I be willing to do anything to achieve this status?
Looking at these questions and knowing my priorities...my answer would be no. I'm not willing to sacrifice myself, my family or my life to achieve these type of goals. The type of success I hope to attain...when it comes...will be by just being me and following the path God has laid out for me.
~Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one, Helen Keller is the other.~Erma Bombeck
I know there is a handful of y'all out there who already think I'm the Cat's pajamas and for that success, I'm thankful. There's a couple of little girls who happen to think I'm the craziest g'mother ever and for that success, I'm truly thankful. There are 395 of y'all who drop in every now and then and for that success, I'm thankful. There's a certain lady who can out-write, out-think, and out-class me who thinks I stand a chance of becoming a somebody and for that success, I'm very thankful.
Perhaps success is much like these photos seen in reverse. It comes in bits and pieces until the final picture reveals what truly is important.
~Success is not so much what we have as it is what we are~Anonymous
I may have found my answer while watching a bio on Barry Manilow. With all his many awards, gold and platinum albums, and sold-out concerts, he said the true measure of whether he had succeeded lay not in his bank account, but rather in whether he had made people feel any emotion through his music.
Using his formula...the answer is up to y'all. Whether it's sadness, joy, disgust, anger...if you left here feeling something, anything...I am a success....and for that...I'm humbly thankful.
~Don't fly so high you end up landing in bird poop.~Helen L. Callahan
(Thanks Mother...I repeat that to myself every day!) Seven secret Santas
This chick a-crafting
These mem-OH-ries
For-ever young
Three generations
Two naughty lists
And a snow-clad lady at W&T's!
i don't know why it surprises me but i told a friend at lunch today that i get "meloncholy" this time of year!
i ask myself all those same questions and in a round-about-way come to the same conclusions!
it's so easy to let "man" define us and if i can just manage...which sometimes is about all i do...to stay on God's path then there is no greater success! merry christmas friend!
Oh my, what can I say, I've been absent and when I do check in, first blog I read is yours.
No backtalk or sass today Lady!
Your talking to us today...spoke to me.
Merry Christmas Debbie!
PS...I had lunch with Laura... and Karen today! Yes, my dearest friends ever.
Laura-White Spray Paint
Karen- Lady Bug Creek.
We go back in history...I mean years! I love them both to pieces.
Clap, clap, clap, I applaude you, I tip my hat to you (if I wore one), and I am in awe of you as I always am... You are priceless (as the commercial goes) but truely you are just real, that's what I love about you!!
Oh my gosh....melancholy! THAT'S IT!! I feel it too. It is no surprise to me that YOU would be the one to help me figure it out!
I enjoy you so much and hope with all my might we get to meet in person one day soon!
Here's a big ole hug!!
Oh, such interesting thinks to think. This time of year really conjures up the thinks. I rather fancy your thoughts on thinking and your great outlook! 'Tis always a pleasure to visit you. Thanks for that! ~ Angela
You said it all and said it well Miss Deb! I enjoy your blog so very much... I love it when I see a new post and always get a good feeling inside!! You make me smile...and that's what it's all about!!
Wishing you a beautiful, merry and joyous Christmas with your loved ones!
Tammy :-)
Beautiful blog! You are our Queen Bee and Cat's pajamas!! I know 2011 will be a new adventure for you! Hang on for the ride! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
That was perfection. Theresa xoxo
I have so been enjoying your days of Christmas posts but this one really spoke to me! And the quotes...the bird poop one is THE best!!
Thank you!
I love you.
Debbie, this is my favorite post of yours so far! You are so spot on...ALL THE TIME. The quotes...perfect. I just love ya!
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
xo Glad &Celia
I know this to be true if success were measured by the size of the heart you would be at the top for me♥ Happy Christmas!
All true- but of course it is coming from you.
You are the best Debbie-
White Spray Paint
Beautiful post my friend! Wishing you and all your loved ones a beautiful and loving Christmas...xo..deb
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