Still pulling out, dragging boxes around, cleaning, packing...etcetera, etcetera! The house is a wreck and I'm not looking all that shiny either. AND as if getting my 9x14 space ready wasn't enough...I went and took the space next to mine! I know! Are y'all wondering what was I thinking? Well, I'll tell you. I'm thinking that's twice the amount of space to bring in twice the amount of merchandise to tempt you into coming and playing with me on Friday the 27th at Winnie & Tulula's! Yeah, I'm crazy all right...crazy like a fox. I want to see all your bright shining faces come 4:00 p.m. that afternoon and if I bring in more loot, how can you say no?
Speaking of shining faces, Adrienne at The Flying Bee has passed the Kreativ Blogger award to me. She thinks I'm funny! I can't help but wonder if she means funny as in ha ha or funny as in farm. Either way, I'm delighted she has honored me and I'll take it proudly!
According to the rules, I'm supposed to list 7 things about myself. In the spirit of the season I thought I would take this opportunity to list 7 things I am truly thankful for this year. So, here goes:
I am now to pick someone else to pass this award on to. Hmmm? Who shall it be? All of y'all touch me in ways that are unique to you alone. What do you say...would it be terrible to pick just one? How about a least to me anyway? I've just started reading Robelyn at Red.Neck Chic and y'all...she can out-trash me! That's no easy task, 'cause I am the queen of tacky! So Robelyn...are you listening? You're up girl...five minutes to curtain call...come out and take a bow!
Guess I better get back to glittering some rats now. You know what I hate the most about getting merchandise ready...besides trying to find really good stuff? PRICING!!! Aaacck! What a bummer, but since I did a preachy post about dealers not pricing their stuff a while back, I better not get caught without tags! Gotta practice what I preach, but I have found something that makes it go a lot faster. Take a look for yourself at my assistant trashette and I guarantee a smile from ear to ear!

- I am thankful when I wake each morning to a new day with the mistakes I made behind me and a clean slate in front of me. I get the opportunity to correct those missteps or slights and move on. What a wonderful feeling knowing I don't have to lug any goofs around with me.
- I am thankful for a roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in at night, and a too full belly.
- I am doubly thankful to be living in America where I am free to be whoever I want to be without the fear of recrimination.
- I am thankful for our military who provide the peace of #2 and the assurance of #3. Their sacrifices (see #2) are a blessing that is immeasurable.
- I am thankful for God directing me to start blogging, opening my world to all sorts of possibilities and people. He has given me a voice where before I was silent. Blogging has brought folks into my life that I would never had the opportunity to meet otherwise (like Adrienne) and it's given me laughter...tons of laughter.
- I am thankful for a family that loves me in spite of all my imperfections (I'm the one they try to hide at family reunions) or maybe because of them. My family is unique because they are mine....warts and all! The wonderful thing about a family is it continues to grow and I continue to be blessed by all the new members!
- I am most thankful for a loving Father in Heaven who has seen to all my needs and is the One and only One responsible for this list.
Thank you most heavenly Father for all the gifts you have bestowed on me, your humble child.
Thank you Adrienne for picking me...I am truly honored and blessed by you!

Awwwww. HOW adorable. much? I looked for a tag on her little pinkie..but nothing there!
:) What a perfect little baby doll! :) Thanks for sharing her with us.
Great blog post Deb! More space, more money, and since your stuff looks totally awesome, you will have LOTS more money!! Glad to hear you are pricing your stuff too. I just love my dealers that never price there stuff. It's okay, I have all the time in the world to try and call them while we are slammed at the counter and then I also enjoy "waiting" while they "think" about a price. I loved your list of things about you, especially #8! I too am hoping this Thanksgiving and Christmas we will all be grateful and thankful for some of the things you have mentioned. Take care!
We love you just exactly the way you are!
How sweet Debbie! I love your list! I am so thankful for many of those things as well...and for getting the chance to get to know you, too!
Now, you know if I wasn't having Thanksgiving at my house on Friday, yes Friday! I would be there with bells on, girl!
And look at that sweet baby girl, she is the cutest little trashette I have ever seen! What a little blessing she is!
Have a great weekend Debbie!
LOLOL NO WAY 'can I out-trash put the LID on the trash can dear lady! Granted, it's a sparkled up, bow-tied lid...
Thank You, Thank You very much!!! I just took a bow sooooooo big the ruffles on my bloomers peeked out from underneath my tutu!
I LOVE your list!!! I tip my hat to #7 AND #8! Good grief, your assistant is gorgeous and has me grinnin'! (No gold tooth for me - just a silver glittery one - it'll blind ya...)
Aight...I'm off to compile my list - do you smell the smoke burnin' over yonder? HA!!!
Thanks Again - I love "knowin'" ya!!!
;-) Robelyn
P.S. - those "garbage'" bags are the MOST fun to make - does that make you feel ANY better about my giggles? LOL I'll have to make you one...
Hi Debbie dear! Love your list and Miss Bella can sure wear a smile! Have fun fillin' up your new space, and I love the thought of "funny" as in farm! Didn't know if you checked back on "a day in the life". I left you a return comment there.
hugs and love,
Yeah, I was gonna ask how much for the cute little trashette! Congrats on your award and good call on Robelyn. She's a trailer trash diva supreme (and THAT is a compliment!)
Girl, are you a glutton for punishment? No, don't answer that question. I think I already know the answer! Your expanded booth and your new booth will look gorgeous!
I tell you...that is one precious picture of Bella! Does it get any better than that cute bundle of pink in your lap? You are one blessed woman!
Hey Debbie-
I know how you feel. I walked by a mirror a minute ago and I had glitter on my upper lip!
I love #8.
She is a precious baby doll!
Don't wear yourself out as my grandmother used to say-
Thank you for sharing this, I love all of them, but especially love the photo at the end....she's a doll girl!!
xoxo LA
I love to see smiling miracles. That will always put bounce in my step.
I loved your comment on my grey post... we could frame you with some crime.
Ha! Congrats on the additional space. You're gonna have fun filling that! I enjoyed your thankful post. ~Mindy
Hello Debbie, I just want to meet you in person and give you a hug. You are the greatest. I love all that you are thankful for. God Bless you. sandi
She is so adorable. This will be a wonderful holiday season for you and your family. Congratulations to all of you for making it through!
That baby girl cannot be the same one in your blogheader. Just look at her. How many times can we say " God is so Good"? So I took a little break from working today and went junkin' ( my junkin' break). Don't tell anyone but I got a great chippy white dining room table for $5.00. Hooray!! I couldn't believe it! I can't wait to see all your photos from W & T's. Are you out of glitter yet? xoxo, Sue
What a difference a year makes. You certainly do have a lot to be grateful for. That g'baby of yours is adorable. Have a great Thanksgiving. Jan
debbie - i really enjoyed this post - reading about what you're up to and what you're thankful for...and i also wanted to tell you this: that photo of bella's behind a few posts back?!? i just love it! it is simply precious...
Could that child GET any cuter??? I just want to eat up those little baby toes! Thanks for popping by to say hi. BTW, there is much talk about the Baker Hotel in MW being haunted, but I figure having a hotel that big that is unoccupied is just asking for stories of ghosts and whatnot. I'm betting on bats and critters, not ghosts! But I'll not be doing a sleepover to find out due to that big yellow stripe down my back. Ha! Ha!
Later girl,
beautiful inspiring post!
i am at a loss for words after seeing that gorgeous smiling face!! what a heart breaker she is ..!!
hey, i got some of those mercury glass trees - love them - don't you? if you peel that rubber base off the bottom - you can spray some easy off in there and rinse it real quick and it will flake the silver coloring so it will look all peel-ey - it's a cool look -
great post by the way!
Hi Debbie - I'm trying to catch up a little on everyone's blogs. I can't believe how big Bella is getting...what a cutie! I just adore that "Living End" photo you stinkin' cute is that????
I hope you and yours have a lovely Thanksgiving!
What a great list! And what a sweetie pie smile! :D
yapping cat
Such a cutie cupcake cuddly baby! Happy Thanksgiving ~ Angela
Wow, was cooking Thanksgiving dinner not enough for you to do this week? Good luck with your new space(s). Hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You certainly have something to be extra thankful for this year! Bella is adorable!
She is so adorable and I can not believe how big she is getting!
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