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Hello boys and girls! It's me, Old St. Nick, coming at ya straight from the Texas Pole!
Time's a wastin', the clock is ticking...have you made your lists for what you're wishing...that I could bring you from the Christmas Open House at Sweet Pea's/Winnie & Tulula's, that is! What that''re having a hard time making up your mind? Just remember y'all...I'll be making a list too and checking it twice...gonna find out who's naughty (I've got my eye on you two, Mal and Robelyn) or nice (and that would be you, sweet Lee and of course, Adrienne)!
Why don't you come on over and sit on Santa's lap and tell me everything? I'll even help you get started! Sue, don't cut in line...I know if you could get away from your big grrrl job, you'd be here in a heartbeat. Besides, Ol' Santa knows what you want...all the ephemera in the world, right?
What do you think this your shade of white? How about you Laura...can you get this color out of a can? Well, maybe you could...but no one else can...can can. That's why you're on the nice list! Don't worry Sue, there is plenty of white for everybody. Just leave that store in the boys hands and come on over to Texas for a vacation!
Fancy, my little rodeo queen, I just know this would be right up your alley or back forty! What about you TOT...wanna arm wrestle for a better look? Ho, Ho, Ho!...just having a little fun with you. Mrs. Claus won't even let me pinkie wrestle with the elfettes! Don't you worry one little bit, My darling honey baked...Santa and Mrs. C are sending you all their love for Christmas!
Now which one of y'all loves rust? at a time...didn't mean to start a riot! Ok, Ok, I'll see to it that if you come by between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. each and every one of you will get a chance at some great rust...even you Sharon!
C'mon Debra...don't be bashful...whisper in Ol' Santa's ear and he'll do his durn tootenest to see that you get it!
Tootsie dearest, there is still time to jump on a plane and scoot on down here for a heckuva good time. No excuses...if I can fly around the world in one day, you can make it from Canada to Texas in two!
Ahhh! I can just hear the wheels turning as you try and figure this one out Amy my girl, but believe me...('cause if you can't trust Kris Kringle, who can you trust?)'re gonna want it! What do you think Troy...wanna flip for it? I mean a back flip of course! Think you're gonna get off easy? Not on my watch!
Gina, oh queen of bling...tell me you're coming and I'll be sure and put something sparkly under your tree for sure! All you other good little boys and girls...remember I'm watching and taking notes!
Well kiddies, Ol' Santa Pop has got to run. Gotta go press the suit and trim the 'stache, but I'm sure hoping I see you Friday evening in Athens! Peace out and...
Happy Thanksgiving one and all from me and the Mrs.!
Actually, Debbie, I DO think we have a direct flight from Springfield to Dallas. Now once I get off the plane which direction do I turn and how far do I have to hitch hike to get to Athens?
Dad gum, you make it hard for a girl not to just up and run off from all the Thanksgiving company! Someday I'm gonna surprise you and just show up on your doorstep!
Have a great party! I will need a photo fix!
Super pictures. Cat Daddy is certainly a bundle of personality, I can tell that all the way up here!
Happy Thanksgiving Debbie! We have much to be thankful for, wouldn't you say?
What a fun post to wake up to...
Enjoy your faith and family today and have a Happy Thanksgiving...blessings
glenda @ Serendipity Cottage.
Happy Thanksgiving Debbie, and I know you will truly be in love with little Bella today! Have a successful open house tomorrow, everything is awesome! Take care.
LOL just 'cause I have to squish my devil horns back into my head and disguise my forked tail each mornin' doesn't necessarily mean I'm naughty.......
I don't think... maybe...hmmm...
I see bling, I see rust and I hear it's gonna be fun ('cause Santa said so..all the way from the Texas Pole!)I can't wait!!! I will even wear my elves costume...mayhaps I can fool that Mr. Saint Nick...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
;-) Robelyn (I'm heading for the slime now...)
Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie! And to Cat Daddy, too!
All the best,
I LOVE making the Naughty List! You know what the big boys say, don't you? "Once a woman goes bad, the men go right after her!" :) I can't wait to crawl into Santa's lap and tell him my secret desires. Better warn him to get the knee braces on and get some good support under those legs! :)
I hope you and your family have the most beautiful of Thanksgivings!
I am wishing you the most blessed Thanksgiving ever! I so hope your show at Winnie and Tulula's is a wonderful success! How could it help but be one with all the talent that is there!
My Very Best
I told the gypsies that someday I'm gonna' strike gold, hire a nanny, then buy a BIG JUNK bus to tour the world. If it happens tomorrow then I'm headed your way... then off to College Station for the Honky Tonk Holiday Show... Hope you have a blast, can't wait to see pics!!!!! have a happy turkey day... lv'ya, fancy
Yes,you most certainly are in the 'new' category. :-) Have a wonderful evening! Tami
Hey Deb... thanks for stopping by with your T'day wish... I hope to get back to more regular blogging soon! I miss ya'll too!
great stuff posted by CD.. love that angel! Hugs. Dixie
Uhhh did I hear that rust is involved????
Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving to you and sweet Bella and all of your Family!!! Y'all have so much to be Thankful for after a very long year!!!
Love you girlie!!!
Hope you and Cat Daddy and the rest of the familia had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
So funny~I believe that YOU are the clever girl (just in the "Nick" of time!). I would have truly enjoyed being there. My duties were to be at Cottage Panache from 3 to 8. So, I'll just have to come another time. Field trip!! Oh, what is the white piece with cherub (?) you have shown here? Hope your Thanksgiving and sale were both wonderful! ~ Angela
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of blessings....
Peace to you and yours.
Angie Torrez
Boy do I have you fooled, my hubby hates pink on me cause he says I don't have a sweet bone in my body. I am sorry I haven't been by lately. I have had the worst sniffles, aches and pains. We canceled Thanksgiving and I am going on eight days with this stuff. I don't do well with cold medicines, I have to take them in bed or I wake up on the kitchen floor. I was playing with a post and either my keyboard is demon possesed or I hit publish in a sudafed drugged state. Panicked and fixed most the problems. Since then not much bloggin so I read all of the post I missed here. You have done a beautiful job on your displays merchandising is such a kick. I can tell you have a good time with it. I wanted to come to Athens but just too run over by this bug. I have so much catching up to do. I hope you sell sell sell!!! Be Blessed Debra!
My horns hold up my halo!
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