I bet y'all are wondering why I have a photo of Cousin Itt up, right? Well, today I did something I've been thinking about for some time. Last month, Tricia at The Domestic Fringe hosted a Pink Party and I "attended" here. When I wrote that post, I encouraged everyone to get involved in any way possible to help eradicate breast cancer beginning with baby steps. This morning I went and took my own advice.
I could have walked or ran in a marathon, but heck, I can't even walk to the icebox without breaking a sweat...so I knew that was out. I can't donate blood due to childhood illnesses. Buy a pink appliance...now tell me, who really gets that money? I did the only thing I could think of...I cut my hair.
After participating in Tricia's Pink Party, I started checking around again for someone who might want my hair. (Would you believe people sell their hair online...creepy!) I found Pantene has a program called Beautiful Lengths for women! The only requirements were that the hair donated be Healthy...check...Clean...check check...AND at least 8". Yippee!!! I was in business!
Do I appear to have a bit of trepidation? I did!!! You gotta keep in mind, I truly have a love affair with my hair. It's the only thing left on me that the "use before" date has not expired on...in spite of a lot of white and grey being mixed in with the red. My hair and I have been through a lot together. It has seen me through weddings, births, the good times and the bad. I feel like Samson with it...I can do anything. Without it...I'm just a chihuahua in a washtub with an absolute zero personality. I know...totally irrational, huh? This is a secret I'm sharing with y'all. It's not vanity...it's just a little...make that big...fear of mine.
I asked my cute, little, stylist extraordinaire, Misti if she'd like to do the honors and she scheduled me for today. After measuring, she took her trusty shears and...
Voila...I never felt a thing!
I'm planning on mailing this chunk first thing Monday morning and I'm also planning on donating it in the name of the most courageous woman I know right now...Cher, The Texas Woman. Cher, I don't have your courage (hence, no Mohawk) or a tenth of your wit, but this eighth is for you. You inspire me and if you want the shirt off my back...it's yours. In the meantime, I'll be mailing the hair down it in a brown envelope and thinking of you.
I do believe Misti enjoyed this way more than she should have! I may have to start calling her Chief Cuttin' Curl Up And Dye! (Doesn't she kinda remind you of those cute mannequins you see in shops...the one with the wonderful smiles?)
After she snipped, snipped, snipped...she styled my hair. My head didn't know what to think! Neither did Cat Daddy! Men are so funny! I swear, it can be stringy, dirty, split ends to the wazzoo, but if it's long...then whoa Nelly...they think it's beautiful. Go figure!

You are donating to a great cause! Good for you and you still look pretty and you'll always have the best personality, even if you didn't have hair.
Debbie! You rock! And Misti is looking maniacle. Good times at the hair salon! ~Mindy
That, my friend, was such a touching post! You had me after the first paragraph, but when you mentioned Cher, well. . .let's just say you really HAD me! I like the new look and your hair is still long girl! What a heart you have and I know this blog post will be an inspiration to many others. You rock! Take care.
How selfless and kind!!!!
You did a super kind thing.....trust me...i know!!!
Someone will definitely be rocking some "trashy" hair with love.
What a super special thing to do! And you still look just as hot and sassy as before. And 3 pounds lighter, too!
You're just way too awesome!
Good for you! I was so fearful, as I kept reading that you'd do what I did in college and cut it ALL OFF. Seriously, I went from about where you are now to a Flock of Seaguls/ducktail over summer break. My friends couldn't believe me, so I MAILED it to them. This, of course, was before Locks of Love. Possibly even before Pantene even existed. Some lucky girl will be rocking that trash hair indeed.
BTW, for those of you considering Locks of Love, they cannot accept hair that has been colored or highlighted.....
Deb you are the most beautiful woman I know! What a wonderful selfless act. Blessings to you girl.
You look lovely! I agree with you on the smiling comment. That's what I am doing this weekend and my grandaughter is helping to ensure that.
Not only are you an inspiration to all women who are contemplating making a change, but you did it for a great cause! You always make me smile (this time I laughed out loud)....wish I was a fly on the wall in that salon! :-) Good for you...you look BE-U-TI-FUL! Better watch out Cat Daddy....there might be some TomCats out there yowlin' after your woman!
Tami E.
And still such pretty hair! What a wonderful cause and now you have cause to celebrate as well. You cut it, it's still longish, and it looks great! ~ Angela
You rock! Way to go! If I cut 8 inches off my hair I would look like I waas sick or in boot camp. Yeah for having the patience to let it get that long!
I love your new look, and good for you, girl!! You are an inspiration!
One of your best posts EVER!! I laughed, cried, and felt inspired! Way to go.
Girl, you make me smile...the turmoil us gals long in the tooth go through wanting to keep our long hair...it is a pain, I know...getting tangled in everything, dragged through the paint and into the soup...and just try to sit comfortably while driving...but, the feel of golden(silver)waves cascading down my arm and blowing sails in the wind is a notion that comforts me...
...why am I in such a hurry that I can't take the time to brush away the minutes in my life, those romantic notions when one reaches an age when others think you should conform to societies standards...
I'm a free spirit and ignore those that say...but you'll look so much younger...at 60, there's only so far you can go with it...and who cares, it is what it is!
Thanks for sharing one journey in your life, I know that path, but for me the tale stands...she was the old woman with the long silver locks, rocking away the days, brushing the dreams of a young girl on the porch of her Pink Chateau...
Love you gal!
What a wonderful gesture!!! My son is now 2 years cancer free, he is 6 years old. Your hair will put a smile on someone's face soon!
Cheers- Krista
You look even more Fab-U-Lous if that's possible! A beautiful woman inside and out.
Debbie, you've got gorgeous hair. It's a great thing you did. And you still have long hair!
Deb, that's the best post I have read in a while...
Great big heart full of love and compassion...Beauty to behold!
Wow! That was awesome Debbie. Your hair looks beautiful and it's still SO long. Now someone else gets to enjoy your beautiful hair too and I'm sure she'll look just as fabulous as you.
By the way, thanks for weighing in on my question. You made perfect sense and not just noise. Sometime I feel like the problems in our country are too big for answers.
Bravo!! Nice of you to take it off.
BTW -- Too late on the hair removal diet. I posted the same idea 3-4 days ago.
You look great! Congrats on taking those baby steps.
BH was here.
Way to go! Touching and funny post, you.
Deb, you are such a cut up! LOL. When my FIL would go get a haircut he would always say that he was going to get his ears lowered. Never thought about getting my butt lowered! You are such a funny girl. Love it!
Great big smiles,
Fabulous! You are the epitome of heartfelt generosity! You'd be a gorgeous woman, inside and out, without a strand of hair on your head. I applaud you!
You look great AND you donated to a worthy cause. You are twice blessed!
What a thoughtful thing to do. Your hair is gorgeous so I'm sure it will be much appreciated.
And as usual you make the process so fun to read about!
When my daughter was about 7 or 8 her hair was to the bottom of her butt. I tried to convince her to cut it. "NO, Mom I wouldn't be ME without my hair". Her hair was a part time job for me to wash and comb it out! Years later when she was ready to cut it to shoulder blade length, it was ME that cried like a baby seeing it go.
Anyone who's never had long hair cut doesn't know the bitter/sweet of parting with it.
Crystal Gayle... I have not heard that name in forever, maybe He Haw days!!! I love the new cut,it looks perfect!! And you did not take to much... good girl. I have been teetering with getting about 5 or so inches cut off of my own. I just can't slow down long enough to get it done!! But sister it is hot, I sweat more now than ever.. could be the lack of exercise too but it makes me feel better to blame it on the hair! Hope all is well. My real job has had me stressed beyond belief. That's why I have been a MIA for a while, Hope all is well, Have a great weekend! HUGS Janna
I had no idea it was so long! Ron says those were probably just hair extensions that needed to come out. Naughty Ron!
GORGEOUS!!! And such a wonderful story to go along with your diet book...when do we get the first chapter? LOL
;-) (I'm on my way to read more of your stories!)
Hey sweetie!
Lookin' good!!! Now, that you have your new look, you need to come to the Yaya have "Vogue" with me! :) xo...deb
Miss Debbie- Somehow I missed this post until just now.
You are just the coolest/kindest, wonderful talking trash lady I know.
I am so glad to know you-
Laura Belle at White Spray Paint
You're a good egg Deb and I love the new do.
A Great reason to cut your hair! And you are going to love the lighter look. Stop by my blog I am having a giveaway!
Debbie...you ROCK! That was such a wonderful thing to do! You look great!
You're beautiful! And very inspiring! You go gurl! :D
yapping cat
i am seriously jealous!!!! i was right in the other room and didn't make the pic! not really, it was great to see you, and i think you are cuter than a speckled pup! love you girl
You rock sista,
I love my Mom to Cancer and when I see people giving of themselves to battle the beast it brings tears to my eyes.
PS I want to go to Winnie & Talula's so bad! Never been. Maybe I'll see ya.
It was sooo good to see you saturday I didn't even realize you had cut your hair! Sorry! (now if you had gone as short as mine I would have noticed...which for me right now is long!) I thought you looked fabulous! And I so enjoyed our short visit! Talking about time not height or hair! LOL What a great thing you did donating your locks! The last time mine was long enough to donate I think I was about 30! But thank goodness Mr.Hero loves mine the shorter the better! Hope to see you again soon!!!
you go girl! what an awesome story and what a kind and generous heart you have....like i didn't already know that! in my book, you are beautiful with or without that 8"!
Good for you girl, I'm sure you'll like the lighter feeling of less hair. Now you can grow it again, for another snip down the road. And it still looks plenty long to me.
The new do looks "groovy" ... lovin' it!! what a nice thing to donate the hair, my daughter donated approx 14inches when she was young ... it's a good feeling! You're a beautiful and inspirational woman! {and you would still be even if you ever did look like a chihuahua!}
Deb, What a great thing to do! You are an inspiration and a lovely person as well.
Have a great week!
It's beautiful! Goes with your personality - perfectly lovely. *smiles*
Blessings... Polly (p.s. tried to email you to let you know about Porch - it's ready and you're in it!)
Oh Debbie, what a fine thing to do! And I absolutely love the shorter do. It's very becoming on you. xo
Debbie: How did I miss this post????
You ARE the bomb!!! What a totally giving and kind thing to do and such a testimony for all women!! PLUS you look MAHVELOUS!!
Lou Cinda :)
Dear Trash, How can I love someone so much and still call them Trash! But I do - both love you and call you Trash, that is! Thank you for the kind words and the hair donation in my name. I feel truly honored. I don't get around to reading the blogs anymore so thanks to Renee for calling me about your post. Having chemo every week keeps me as weak as the Cat Daddy's kitten that I am and as unfocused as the rest of his lovers! This too shall pass with time and the wonderful support of my blogging friends.
Love ya, Gal,
Oh my gosh!!!! how did I miss this post? I can't believe you cut your hair. but, I love it it looks great. I might really have a chance now with CD............Lauri
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