Whew, I am so glad this weekend is almost over! I want to thank all of y'all for your ideas on what to put in Sweet Tea's bag o' treats. So many of y'all wanted to add something to the bag and I'll be sure and let Theresa know how much she is loved and appreciated by all of you. I've loaded it up based on your suggestions...so if she doesn't like the candy choices...I'll just blame y'all, 'kay? One thing I almost didn't put in the bag was a gift card courtesy of Lee at Inspired Comblogulations. Did y'all know she has a B&B? I didn't! It's just outside Gladewater and the photos look dreamy. You can check out her website, Le Shiloh Shabby Chateau, here. How generous of her was that? Thank you so much Lee! Like I said, I almost kept that for myself....but I didn't think I could pull off convincing Lee that this pair of trashters were T and Cruz!
As hinted at, I did place everyone's name in the bubbling cauldron and pulled out a name to receive a little treat from me as well. Sue at Country Roads, if you'll send me your address, I'll send it on to you by bat express!

I've said it before and I'll say it again...that baby just knocks my socks off! When she gives me that big ol' gummy grin and all those dimples show....well, you know! Oh and the laugh! Jenn says she sounds like a donkey...no cute little giggle for my girlie! She wants to be heard! What can I say? I'm hopelessly in love with both my girls!
I gotta tell you...I would have loved to have been able to join them on that couch after we got back from Athens Saturday.

We got the first layering done around 5:30 p.m. We're going back Wednesday to take the second layer. Let me tell you kiddies...while junking looks like a lot of fun (and it is to a point)...it is also a lot of work! I am so beat up and bruised from moving furniture! I deserve a Purple Heart or something for all the cuts, scrapes and back aches that comes with the job, but it has to be done or a booth becomes stale. Y'all that are or have been in the business know what I'm talking about! If you don't care, shoppers won't either!
Talk about a glutton for punishment! Cat Daddy and I will be moving into another space this coming weekend. I'll tell you all about it once we get it set up!
I guess y'all had a lot of snicker treaters. We weren't home long enough to hand out any candy so woe is me...I guess I'll just have to eat it! When we finished in Athens, Jenn called and said they were coming by to let me see Bella in her costume. Jenn had bought her the cutest little leopard costume...but I'll guess she'll have to wait till next year to wear it. It looked like the leopard had ate her...seriously...it just swallowed her...all 11 pounds of her! Oh and btw, that is me in the tutu and skinny legs in the previous post photo. Sister Trash is the pretty one on the left!

With that, I'll just end with...Say goodnight Graycie.
Goodnight Graycie!!!

omgosh...what a couple of cutie pies!!!!!! looks like lots of Halloween fun. I know the booth looks awesome, will have to try and get over that way soon!
yapping cat
So glad Jenn is getting to stay home with her little sweetie, and you TOTALLY had me fooled, even though I read the title of crowns and tutus. AND, 7 going on 17...lookout, she's a doll!
Sweet, sweet pics and babes! Best wishes ~ Angela
Hey Debbie...lovin' the pics of the gals...too cute! Just want to let you know I have not forgotten your MissPriss prize pack...the entire month of October has been totally unmanageable, and I truly hope November will be a kinder, gentler month {yeah, right! :o}. I will try very hard to get it together before Turkey day...thanks for being patient! have a great week *elaine*
Deb, Thank you for the opportunity to show Teresa she's appreciated.
I wouldn't have been able to leave that little Bella either, what a doll baby.
Sweet little girls, gotta love em.
I did have a shop and it is sooooo much work. I could probably open another one with all of my collections. My house is full and so is the Chateau.
Oh well, it's just junk.
Have a good one.
I cannot say thank you enough for all you've done Deb and thanks to all who made suggestions. You all are the best. Now, your sweet Graycie is just going to get prettier every year, tell your son to get the shot gun ready for those bad boys that you know will be calling. And your cutie pie Bella, well she just takes the show. Your space also looks great as it always does. Have a great week my friend, T
Wow, what a nice surprise to start my day. I never win anything, usually I'm just the wiener! Thanks Deb! I have to tell you, your pix's were awesome. I loved Bella in her tutu, but I think my favorite was Gracycie's "look"! Love the ATTITUDE! And that picture of your display was awesome. Great job! Again, please know I'm happy to be a winner rather than a wiener! Take care.
Holy cow! Graycie is cracking me up! Priceless and scary all at the same time, huh? And Bella is a doll in that tutu. I'm sure your space is looking great. Y'all do have that magic, ya know? ~Mindy
How cute and funny! Your seven year-old g'daughter is something else. SO FUNNY! Love the picture of baby Bella and mommy...so sweet.
Girl, I'm still laughing over the last shot...too cute, but the one of mom and daughter is out of this world...sooooo sweet!!!
Proud grand parents and it shows...are y'all pooped yet???
November is Sweet for you and Blessed!!
Bella is getting so big!! & healthy too..so happy that her Momma is gonna try to stay home with her. Tell her I will keep her in my prayers that she will be able to forever!!
I love the lil punker too...how cute!!!
give them some shugar from a crusty ole' junker in Oklahoma!!!
Hey Deb, been out of the loop. Don't know about Teresa. Babies are precious. Did the whole Halloween shebang with my grandbabies. Got my little treat in the mail too. Thanks.
What a blessing that Jenn can stay home with Bella! Truly a blessing and time that she will always cherish!! Your girls are so gorgeous and I know how proud you are of each of them!!
Thanks for the suggestions on my table! I am off to TJ Maxx at lunch to see what I can find for that hummer! It has seriously driven me wacko!!
Have a great week and don't hurt yourself moving furniture!
Lou Cinda :)
Get the big sticks out! both those grandaughters look like they will need one...or I should say the daddys will! LOL Been missing ya fabulous! And may I be the first to wish you Happy Thanksgiving!
Bless Ya!
girl...you got a couple of future heartbreakers there!!!
Whew! That was lot of trash talk! You are a busy lady!! And those granddaughters...precious like their grandma!! I cannot stop laughing at the last photo. She's ready for her teen years already!
You are so lucky...the children are beautiful! and...you are correct. If people only realized that their 'one' vote counted, then they wouldn't hesitate to do it. The only thing I can do is encourage people to get out there.
Tami E.
Hey Debbie!
First, let me say thank you for your sweet comments on my last post...you are so right, it starts to feel like a part time job sometimes!
Now, as for your little sweeties...OMGsh they are too cute! Bella is adorable! What a blessing that your daughter will be able to stay home with her. It may seem hard, but a decision she will be so happy she made. Oh, and Graycie, look out! I can tell she is a firecracker! T is right about that shot gun!
Can't wait to hear more about the new booth.
Have a great night!
OMG Look how Bella has grown!! Knock my socks off :-) I agree staying home with Bella is a good thing. GOD will provide and comfort and aleve her worries
I can only imagine how hard it would be setting up an moving all that. Hey to prevent the bruising you could wrap up in bubble wrap and make some bubble wrap gloves for easy movement
o and the 7 yr old Attitude is everything :-)
They are just tooooo cute!!!!!
I love their costumes!!!
Can't wait to see your booth
that bella is a cutie, cutie, cutie. she is an amazing little darling. good for your daughter. she won't regret it a bit.
total sweetness...
love that g.daughter....attitude and cutie pie at the same time!!!!!!!
take care
Your grand daughter is awesome! What bautiful children!
That Graycie looks like a pistol, just like YOU! And Bella, oh my gosh. It's a darn shame you're not proud or nuthin'.
Love ya!
LOL Looks to me like Ms. Graycie is going to rule the roost while Ms. Bella steals the show! BOTH of them are GORGEOUS!!! There is nothing NOTHING more incredible than a childs laughter!!!
As for your war wounds, I'd lay some dollars down that they are WELL worth it for us who LUUUUUUUVE to drool over your "junk"!!! I'm going to have to go look!!!
Have a good one!!!
;-) robelyn
Thank you Debbie! What I REALLY need to do is come over there and shop your wonderful booth!! I could get everything I need to make my house Fantabulous! THEN I would stop tweaking....maybe....somtimes...if I was asleep!
Lou Cinda :)
I always love your blog! Wow how sweet and big is that sweet grandaughter of yours! She is such a testimony of God's favor and goodness! I know Jenn will be so glad to be a stay at home mommy! I know personally that there is a grace that God gives when your heart is right about staying at home with your babies. Somehow the milk lasts longer things don't break down as much. Everything goes longer and there is always bonus income that he brings our way. God is so faithful and so good!
I so hear you when it comes to these grandbabies. I never knew I could love someone so much. Sometimes I look at her and I just want to weep.
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