Y'all remember the dog, Dug in the movie UP? Jenn often compares me to him and today I'm thinking she may be right. I've been gathering, trying to keep focused and then I spy something sparkly out of the corner of my eye and.....Squirrel!
I thought maybe if I took just a little break from it and cleared my thoughts, I'd be better off. It doesn't make things go any faster or smoother to push. I just end up getting goofier and goofier and I really don't need to be any goofier!

So as a reindeer, I mean reminder......
Now, A Word From Our Sponsor!

It all looks very mysterious, Debbie. Are those black feathers I see there?
Funny, that's how my attention span is about this time of year! Love the black & white!
Goofy? I like goofy and fun! My brain malfunctions ALL year round, not just during the holiday season. The good part of that is I'm use to malfunctioning! Take care.
I actually had to reread the Squirrel part twice to understand it. Is that not, like, normal?? Oh dear. Can't wait to see the fruits of your efforts.
Thanks for reminding me, I need to get that on my netflix list. Tell me, Debbie, do you steal hot dogs and drink out of other peoples glasses? I laugh every time I see that commercial for it!
Love your preview of W&T!!!
Thanks for bringing up our friend, Shiloh. She is indeed one of the sweetest people you will ever meet.
Your analogy to the dog in Up made me laugh. Looks like you've got some good stuff going on. Hope you got lots of work done today.
Deb, I completely understand your dog/squirrel analogy. Only too well! LOL! Would love to see everything in person :( Alas, Texas is a little too far. Best wishes!
Alas, I will be working those days. Curses! And you know that I would surely drive all the way up there just to see you gals. I'm gonna have to live vicariously through someone...
The white fruit is to die for. Seriously. Love it! It's going to be like Christmas, November 27 & 28, isn't it? he he he ~Mindy
Hi Debbie! Love your hair! I just changed mine a little too, put some darker color in places. I would love to see W & T done up for Christmas. Our only hope of something as lovely around here is if Brian and Melonie of The Seedbox have an Open House out at their place like they did last year. I haven't heard yet. You're welcome to come up to MO and I'll take you! Have a great weekend...
Thanks for the peek, it's going to be fab.
You leave the sweetest comments too Deb.
So glad we met in bloggersville.
Took me about 2 hours to read this post due to the "sparkles" and "squirels" that sent me off in another direction...
I can not WAIT to see what you pull out of your magic hat!!! The fruit is GORGEOUS!!!
Oh - oops - saw something shimmering over there....
;-) robelyn
Sounds like this is going to be unreal fabulous!!! Those feathers have my interest that's for sure!
I LOVE anything sparkly and glittery!!! LOVE!!!
Lou Cinda :)
Hmmm, I'm no good at waiting but guess I have no choice! Smoke and mirrors, huh?? You do a good job at it all, Debbie.
Loved your comment about dogs and wine - you always make me smile, especially when it's needed the most - thank you!
Wish I was closer to go to that wonderful event. I look forward to the photos.
Okay, I'll let you get back to your planning. Know whatever it is, it will be fab!
well....my kids have referred to me as Dory...from Nemo! lol
have a wonderful weekend girl!
I love it! But I really hate the cone of shame, don't you????
Happy Thanksgiving if I don't "see" you before that,
LOL! What's that saying, "I was going to rule the world, but I was distracted by something sparkly". LOL. You'll get it all done. And knowing you, it will be fabu!
yapping cat
i an hardly wait to see what you are up to , debbie! i simply love the sneak photos - and oh, how i long to be at winnie and tulula's for the big day...
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