First things my baby not the cutest thing in her attitutued? Second, I wanted to thank all of you who left me a comment about my recent weight loss (read haircut). Y'all taking the time means a great deal to me. In fact, I almost didn't write that post because I was a little worried about how it would be received. While October is The Pink Month, it's important to remember that cancer isn't just for 31 days. Men, women and children are fighting it every day and anything we can do to help in that fight...well, we just need to get up and do it. I guess I better get off my soap box now before I trip over my own tongue! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you.
Remember me mentioning I was getting another space...well here is my new home away from home. I am so excited that Cat Daddy and moi are the newest vendors in Tony's wonderful antique mall, Town Square Antique Mall! It is truly a blessing to get to set up shop in this mall. Tony, Marjorie and the store have quite the reputation...but in a good way (unlike me!). The merchandise is top notch as are all the vendors. We are in some mighty fine company.

We moved in Saturday and while it's a tiny took forever! I fought these three sap buckets all day. I just never could get them to behave. They kept falling from where ever I placed them! I secretly think C.D. had trained them beforehand to aim for my head!!!
I truly believe this will be a win/win for us. We go to Bright Star Auction at least once a month and will be able to work on our booth at that least that's the plan! Hopefully things will sell so well, I'll have to make a trip every week! A girl can dream, can't she?
C.D. told Tony the name really needed to be Tony's Shop since that's what everybody calls it! Like I said...a great reputation...especially for primitives! That's my secret love in case y'all didn't know. Primitives...true primitives...hold a special place in my heart. There is so much character and back stories know what I mean? The worn edges, paint flaking off revealing multi-layers, knife marks, a patina that simply will not come out of a spray can...just beautiful!
To get a space set up properly takes a lot of work and merchandise...even a petite one like ours. We were able to set the first layer and will be going back this coming weekend to add more. I needed to pace how much we brought in because it was hard to judge how much space we were going to have. It actually holds quite a lot and of course...there is always upward!
This wonderful arrangement was purchased from my multi-talented friends, Liz and Fran. There is absolutely nothing those two cannot do.
The walls were already painted this mustard color so working a fall theme was a snap....thank goodness! These are the colors I'm drawn to. In case you haven't noticed, I can be a bit of a drama queen if you don't reel me in from time to time! C.D. tries...he really does!
For those of you who have never shopped this mall before, you really need to add it to your bucket list. It's on the square in Sulphur Springs...not that far! In fact, from Dallas it takes just a little over an hour to get there. Canton, as well as Tyler, is just a hop, skip, and a jump. If you're going to shop East Texas, add this to your can thank me later! It's not even that far from Athens and Winnie & Tulula's if you hold your mouth just right!

Speaking of W&T' is another shameless plug about our upcoming Christmas Open House! Please tell me you're planning on coming! I'll clean Cat Daddy up real special if I know you're going to be there and if you talk real nice to me, I'll even throw in a photo op. What would you think of him in a Santa suit? It could be arranged you know! Think of it...Ho Ho Ho...Cat Daddio!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...(rein me in y'all...keep me on track) while working, I had a surprise visitor! I KNOW!!! Patti from Delighted Heart made a special run thru to see us and I was over the moon and pickled tink to see her! We hadn't had a chance to talk in forever, what with her many activities (think wedding, new grand baby, getting the lake house ready, etc. etc.!). This is going to be another big plus to be working in Sulphur Springs...she and I will be able to sneak off and leave Cat Daddy at the auction! Ssshh! Don't tell him...I want to surprise him.

Yes, your angel is definitely the cutest thing ever in her tutu!!! Best of luck in your new space--you have fabulous primitives!!
You booth is fabulous! You've done it up right, girlie!! And that last photo? Truly the living end!
Awwww! That Bella's just the cutest thing!
Congrats on the new space. I guess Mindy and I can add Sulphur Springs to our list of upcoming road trips!
That Bella Pie is growing by leaps and bounds! She is truly gorgeous and an angel! Love that last photo!!
Your booth looks great! I LOVE that chair!!!
I know it will be a huge success!
Lou Cinda :)
Everything looks GREAT! I had to click the pix's to LARGE so I could see every single detail!! I love the industrial table. I've got a new kid that just took a space and all he sells is industrial stuff. I love it along with my true love, like yours, primitives. If you go to my blog, on the sidebar I do one of my dealers blogs. Click on Ginny's Awesome Antiques. This girl goes ALL over to get the best of the best. It was nice to see Patti, she was MIA for awhile on her blog but I saw she had lots to do. And Bella's little feet, no words, I love baby's feet, especially someone as cute as baby Bella!
Take care.
That child has holy toes... "where ever her foot shall tread" or dance in the tutu... there is power in the dance... it cost John the Baptist his head... imagine when a godly child dances what it will cost our enemies.
all she need do is ask... Congrats on your new venture...
I have so enjoyed you blogger friend.
Good for you! Indeed, I only know it as Tony's place. Well, now it's Tony, Debbie and Danny's place. Congrats on your new space. Lovin' that Bella! ~Mindy
Bella could not be more beautiful!
I love your new booth u have such a talent and eye for great things
You and CD have a blessed evening
What a cute little 'bum'! She is such a cutie.......Tami
Okay so first things first... That little boobalah is such a cutie patutie!! Just like you darlin'... Congrats on that new venture... Love love the whole thing! Can't wait to see you in the spring... It can't get here fast enough!
Hugs to You an CD,
Oh my gosh, I think that last picture is one of my all-time favorite baby pictures!!! Adorable!!
Congrats on your new space. Lots of luck to y'all. And I love your haircut - and the reason for it!
The pics of Ms. Bella are just adorable. And your space, girl, it looks great! Now since I haven't been to Tony's place and Renee has been telling me how bad I needed to go, now I'll have to plan to. Can't wait for the open house at W&T and of course to see you and CD!!
Such a sweetie pie, little Bella! So precious!
Good luck at your new space ~ Angela
Love Ms. Bella and your space and your hair! Hugs, Pam
Baby Bella, you are an absolute angel! Give her a smooch for me, will ya Granny?
Another booth space? I love it! I can see it now, Talking Trash franchises everywhere! You go, girl!
I love little Bella's tiny feet. Congratulations on the new space. sandi
Your new space looks great, but I can't take my eyes off of that incredible hanging lantern! AND Bella, oh that smile is adorable... and that rear view shot. Such a cutie in that little tutu!
So too.
Congrats on your space. It looks great. Your grandaughter is adorable and having just left mine in LA after being with her for a week, I am reminded again of what an amazing gift they are.
Is that not the cutest tushie in a tutu?!! Deb, you and Cat Daddy sure have been busy - congrats on your new booth space. It looks fantastic! p.s. seeing C.D. in a Santa suit, well, that would be special!
the first photo of Bella... beautiful... then I read through the post and longed to visit your new digs... then "the end"... left me laughing out loud! Thanks for the big smile on my face this morning! LOL
You have such a great life. AND you look beautiful if I may say so myself.
She is so beautiful!!! I love it when your posts start out with her - I start reading with a grin and invariably end up rolling 'round laughing by the end! LOL Thank you for that!!! ;)
I'm so excited! Now I have another "must go immediately" location on my list!!! I love all of your goodies and I think it's looking FANTASTIC!!! SOMEDAY I'm going to catch up to you SOMEWHERE!!!
Congratulations!!! Dang - I can't wait to see it in person!!!
;) Robelyn
Hey thanks for including my mug along with those other awesome photos of your booth and the adorable Bella! I didn't realize I was taller than you and I'm not taller than anybody! It's nice to talk eye to eye with a good friend! I know you will do well at Tony's...he's such a gem and you've got lots of gems to fill your space! See you soon!
She is so adorable...she looks sooo much like you. You look great also, by the the haircut.
Cathleen alyce
Great booth, you go girl! I am so low on inventory I can't hardly keep two booths stocked! Cute little Bella, is she still the boss?
Beautiful baby, Beautiful booth. it's amazing what can be done with a small space.
The new booth looks wicked awesome! I bet you will do well. And that is one cutie patootie bootie! :D
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