The ball is getting ready to drop to signal in the new year. I just hope I don't drop before it does. I've been thinking about resolutions and I've decided my New Year's resolution is no resolutions. I never stick to them anyway, so why beat myself up about it. I have no will power when it comes to anything. I like food, why give it up? I like being a procrastinator, why change now? I like being a little lazy now and then, who doesn't? I love shoes. Hey, that's the only size on me that hasn't changed. Why should I give up or change the things that make me me?
So I am just going to pray for the best in 2009 and forget the rest. And speaking of 2009 and New Year's Eve, I've started planning my outfit to wear.
What do you think? Will I clash with the black eyed peas? I thought I would go with a demure look this year, something a little more traditional. I said I wasn't going to change anything about me, but I think I need to be more assertive and I think this is a real power suit. Doesn't it just scream "I am woman, hear me roar!"? I don't know what C.D. has planned, but whatcha want to bet I can change those plans in a New York minute? I've got a new recipe for a Flirtini and I figure after I consume a few of those, I can squeeze into this for at least 5 minutes. Let's just hope I don't fall off those heels. In fact, thinking about it, this may be a sitting down ensemble. Ah heck, let's just see how it plays out!!!
Actually y'all, this was my bathroom decorations last year complete with a red tree in the bathtub and a rusty chandelier over the tub. Made for very scary bathing. I just knew that thing was going to fall and land smack dab on my head and then I would have to explain to the E.R. doctors why I needed a tetanus shot.